Ginger Chai or Adrak Wali Chai
Best natural remedy during the cold & flu season
There are allergies flying around, people are coughing, sneezing and getting sore eyed. There is one home made cure for this that always works for me and that is Ginger Chai.
So lets see how to do it.
Method: Serves 2

In a pot add about 2 Cups water, put it on high heat. To that add 2tsp. sugar and 2 plain tea bags. Always tear the tea bag and add the tea powder directly into the water, gives a much stronger flavour to the chai.
Take about an inch and 1/2 of fresh ginger or more if you want, peel it, wash it and grate it into the boiling water along with the tea powder & sugar. Let everything come to the boil. Lower heat and add about 1/4 cup of milk. Let it continue boiling for a few more minutes. Take it off the heat and let it stand for a few minutes.
Strain into a large mug, you will feel the ginger work its way in every sip.
Ginger generates heat in your body, so make sure you have it during the cold and wet seasons.
Have this at least once a day and you will feel rejuvenated.