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It’s really strange to
experience winters in April, all the seasons are reversed here in Australia, to
the ROTW. Well then, life itself is strange! Cant believe, last year this time, I was wading my way through knee deep snow in the United States of America and this year enjoying the sun kissed beaches of Australia. So what if they have a sunny Christmas where
you put on a Santa Claus hat and surf on the beaches of Bondi or celebrate fake
Christmas in July just to enjoy the feel of winter.
The point is I am thoroughly enjoying this cold weather, December or April, doesn't really matter. Love hanging by the stove, waiting impatiently for my Chai to boil, dunking my favourite GoodDay Cashewnut biscuits into it or making a spicy flavoursome curry, winter time is the best time.
Every Friday evening we chant TGIF TGIF and every Sunday night we curse the oncoming Monday. However In the midst of all this, we manage to pray, chill, argue, shop, relax, cuddle, dine and wine, spend time with our loved ones and make the most of the two “holy” days.
Our weekend was no

After a long drive,on a beautiful rainy Saturday to buy some authentic cloth bound cheddar, Sunday morning breakfast consisted of Dosa and Coconut chutney, a light lunch of tofu and
veggies and to end it all and in honour of the cold, a grilling, smoky BBQ. And in the midst of all this I managed to update the blog and share some magic from my kitchen to yours!
Posting the long due Veg barbecue recipe and a quick take on the traditional south Indian coconut
chutney. Hope you all enjoyed your weekend, hot or cold, rainy or dry, spring or summer….remember to make the most of it no matter which continent you
are on!!
P.S. - I love winters for its fog, mist and the most romantic feeling it brings out in you and your surroundings.