Spiced Carrot Cake


 cup Plain all purpose flour or Maida

½ cup Olive oil or refined oil

1¼ cup Powdered sugar,

1 ½-2 cups Shredded carrot

¼ cup Sliced Almonds or Cashew or Walnuts

½ tsp. Baking Soda

½ tsp. Baking Powder

1 tsp. each Clove, Cardamom and Cinnamon powder

2 whole eggs

2 tsp. Vanilla essence

1. Beat oil, eggs and sugar till light and fluffy.
2. Sieve  flour with the baking soda and powder. In a large bowl mix the sieved flour, spice powders and shredded carrot. Next add nuts & essence. mix the dry ingredients with the wet. Fold everything together. 
5. Line a cake dish with butter. Pour the mixture and bake for 40-45 minutes.

This is a very moist cake, tastes best when its warm and you actually don't need a frosting. Serve with vanilla ice cream for a dessert option.


Vanamala Hebbar said…
Lovely blog..i guess this is first time iam here...nice recipes ....btw delicious cake
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