It was one of those out of office work days. Of course it meant starting early and finishing late. Not that I am complaining, as the day ended by indulging in my favourite curry :)

The thing I like & enjoy the most about working in the community, is meeting people from all walks of life, learning about their experiences and life they lead. Met this "free spirited" full of life baby girl. This little beauty grows up with nature, plays under trees picking macademia nuts and is fit as a fiddle. That made me think, we are sometimes so oblivious to the simple things in life which render true happiness, like enjoying our surroundings or relaxing with a nice book or simple being ourselves.

To enjoy the recipes view my next posts and always remember to do things that make you happy and that bring out the best in you. It does not always have to be a luxurious vacation or a pay rise, but something that emancipates you and makes you free spirited like my day at the sea did for me!
After the day & a fabulous meal I feel like all my ducks are in row now :D
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