In India we always have two different days or dates for our birthday, which means you celebrate your birthday twice. Now who will not like that :D. One according to the English calendar and one according to the Hindu calendar. The difference is our birth dates remain constant per the English calendar, but the dates change if we follow the Hindu calendar ( which everyone in India does & is considered more auspicious) according to the placement of the stars on the day we were born. The Hindu birthday is always before or around the same time as the date of our birth. Any ways to cut a long story short, last month was Mr N's birthday. Of course there were two celebrations, one big and one not so big. :)

Mr N LOVES Black Forest Cake.Period. Its almost like a tradition to order a large Black Forest cake on his birthday. Now India, Australia very easy to get this cake...USA is a whole different ball game. You don't get any of the Asian pastries there, no pattice (those puffed pastries stuffed with veggies), no black forest & no pineapple pastry. Unless you live in Jersey where you can get practically anything you desire.
But guess what I did manage to get him a Black Forest while in the States, and also a marble cake with strawberry and custard filling from a Gourmet bakery in the town where I lived.
Coming back to birthdays, there is another rule that goes around the house; i.e. not to cook at home on birthdays...there are 2 main reasons. a. it stresses out the person who is cooking, if the dishes don't turn out properly it can ruin the whole evening and b. coz its your birthday,which means PARTY time!!
This year since I am in the cooking and experimenting mode I decided to make a Black Forest Trifle for the first birthday, which was a success. To start off I needed a recipe for egg less chocolate cake. That's when I discovered this excellent baking site by an Indian author called passionate about baking. Most of the Indian's don't eat egg so almost all pastry shops, restaurants and hotels have egg less cakes and pastries. But I needed a homey version of the cake, which I found.
Posting recipe for the cake (directly adapted from PAB) and my recipe of the trifle in the next post. Of course for the main day we ordered a lucious professionally made Black Forest cake for dear Mr N. :)

Mr N LOVES Black Forest Cake.Period. Its almost like a tradition to order a large Black Forest cake on his birthday. Now India, Australia very easy to get this cake...USA is a whole different ball game. You don't get any of the Asian pastries there, no pattice (those puffed pastries stuffed with veggies), no black forest & no pineapple pastry. Unless you live in Jersey where you can get practically anything you desire.

Coming back to birthdays, there is another rule that goes around the house; i.e. not to cook at home on birthdays...there are 2 main reasons. a. it stresses out the person who is cooking, if the dishes don't turn out properly it can ruin the whole evening and b. coz its your birthday,which means PARTY time!!

Posting recipe for the cake (directly adapted from PAB) and my recipe of the trifle in the next post. Of course for the main day we ordered a lucious professionally made Black Forest cake for dear Mr N. :)
Enjoy and keep sharing good food from Nev's Kitchen!!